Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Challenge

What if I told you that I could cast a magic spell that would keep you healthy for a long time, save you money every day, rescue you permanently from rush hour traffic, and save the planet, all at the same time?

Well friends, I can cast that magic spell. It's called bike commuting. But the truth is, I need your help.

You see, I have been hanging out in the shallow end of the bike commuting pool for a while, biking to work a day or two here or there. But always I've hung onto my car like a life preserver, depending on it for most of my commuting needs. But no more.

Now it's time to jump into the deep end of the pool.

Here's the challenge: No more driving to work. No more traffic, no more hunting for cheap gas, no more parking in Berkeley. Inspired by Jesus, a few hardcore bike commuter friends, and badassity king Mr. Money Mustache, it's bike commute or bust.

I need you to witness it. To hold me accountable. To cheer when I complete my first week of no driving and jeer when I can't get out of bed in time. And maybe, just maybe, you'll join me in the bike commute revolution.

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